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Managed by Paul J. Loftus, a partner at Dinsmore & Shohl LLP, Transportation Law Today provides professionals in the rail, transit, inland maritime, and trucking industries with current news and analysis of laws, rulings, and regulatory policies.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

FRA Publishes Train Securement Rule

The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) published a proposed rule today covering the securement of unattended train equipment, largely codifying its Emergency Order 28 issued in 2013. Emergency Order 28 was issued in response to the Lac Megantic train disaster in Quebec, where an unsecured train carrying crude oil rolled down grade, derailed, and exploded in the Canadian town. See our prior posts on that topic here and here.

Today's NPRM, and press release, explain the additional requirements for securing and attending crude oil trains, and others carrying poisonous by inhalation materials (PIH). The proposed rule was developed in collaboration with industry via the Rail Safety Advisory Committee. Written comments in response to the NPRM are due November 10, 2014.