Welcome to Transportation Law Today

Managed by Paul J. Loftus, a partner at Dinsmore & Shohl LLP, Transportation Law Today provides professionals in the rail, transit, inland maritime, and trucking industries with current news and analysis of laws, rulings, and regulatory policies.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Happy Birthday to Transportation Law Today!

It was one year ago (yesterday actually), that Transportation Law Today's inaugural post was published. Thank you to all of you who have viewed the blog and posted comments during the last year. From our early posts, which for some reason were extremely popular in Latvia, to our growing audience, thank you for your visits and views.

As a practicing attorney, the "today" portion of "Transportation Law Today" has always been a challenge, but I attempt to provide interestng news and current developments about surface transportation from courts, regulators, and other sources. I look forward to many posts in the future, and again thanks to our readership.

P.S. I've actually been to Latvia - beautiful country.

Thanks again to everyone for the last year. - PJL.

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