2013 will likely be remembered for several significant transportation events, including the Lac Megantic and Metro North rail accidents. As I write today on New Year's Eve an active fire from a train crash and derailment involving crude oil is taking place in Casselton, North Dakota (here is the NTSB's initial press release). The event in South Dakota highlights other major trends from 2013: positive train control and the carriage of crude oil by rail. Finally, a review of 2013 would not be complete without a mention of the regulatory and political environment, significantly because some-what bi-partisan WRRDA bill (which many had great hopes of passage in 2013), will wait until 2014.
The June 2013 accident which destroyed a significant portion of the town of Lac Megantic, Quebec, and claimed over 40 lives, spurred quick action by Canada's rail regulator, and reciprocal action by the FRA. My prior posts explained some of those actions here, and here.
Following Lac Megantic efforts were made to address the classification of crude oil carried by rail, which may again gain more attention given the on-going situation in North Dakota. Crew size was another issue in Lac Megantic, which the regulators also addressed in the context of securing haz mat trains.
The December 1 Metro-North accident in New York city also raised crew size questions, as well as positive train control implementation. See my prior post here.
Although neither the Lac Megantic nor Metro-North accidents have had their investigations concluded, information released indicates likely causes: failure to secure the train on a grade (Lac Megantic), and crew error in Metro-North. Coming in 2014 will be the Rail Safety Advisory Committee recommendations following Lac Megantic, and possibly, action on the Commuter Rail Passenger Safety Act proposed shortly after the Metro-North accident.
The state of Positive Train Control, and the current 2015 deadline for implementation, will continue to be a hot topic in the coming year. Even though the GAO acknowledged that many railroads could not meet the 2015 deadline, it seems unlikely any wholesale moving of the deadline will occur given recent high profile train accidents. My best prediction is that some case by case relief for portions of PTC systems or tracks may be granted in an effort to get operational as much as possible by 2015.
I expect growing regulatory and public attention to crude by rail shipments, again highlighted by what is currently happening in North Dakota. Crude by Rail, as with Haz Mat by rail, is clearly a safe mode of transport given the huge volumes moved without incident. However, when accidents occur they tend to be memorable given the product being moved. On-going efforts from the RSAC on operational issues, as well as a renewed focus on tank car safety standards will certainly continue.
Now to the blue and brown water worlds... the continuing fate of the now-termed WRRDA bill and its path through a divided congress will continue into 2014. The bill's remedy for the monumentally over-budget Olmstead Lock and Dam project, aka the "Kentucky Kickback" seems to have survived some initial hype when the deal emerged as part of the government shut-down end. Both houses of Congress have appointed conferees to iron out differences between the Senate bill passed in May 2013, and the later house bill.
Is WRRDA an example of a deeply divided congress prioritizing infrastructure investment? Perhaps, but it also may be low hanging fruit in the sense that WRRDA is what could be accomplished in a bi-partisan way with relatively little controversy. In any event, the bill has yet to be passed by congress, which is likely to happen in early 2014.
Thanks to our readers and best wishes to all for safe and joyful New Year in 2014.
- Paul J. Loftus, December 31, 2013
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